world market leader for floors and boards

BOARDS. FLOORS. IDEAS. For more than 100 years, board and floor manufacturer Kaindl has demonstrated how innovative a company with so much history, knowledge and experience can be.
What once began at a small sawmill in Lungötz has conquered the world with innovative ideas time and again from its base in Salzburg. With innovative products that are always a step ahead. With production plants and high-tech installations that set new standards in the wood-processing industry. And with employees who live by their passion for wood as a material every single day. Welcome to the Ideas Factory!

KAINDL Image Film

Sustainability by Kaindl

We care.

Wood is the natural basis of our ideas. Our responsibility for the environment therefore starts in the forest.

The wood we process is virtually exclusively log wood from thinning work in Austrian forests and residual wood from the sawmill industry. Handling natural resources responsibly is a major concern of ours. The circular economy, climate protection and an ecological value-added chain, are all part of the Kaindl corporate culture.

Sustainability by Kaindl

Environment and health – four reasons for Kaindl products

Circular economy

Wood is a raw material that is important to us and one which we manage responsibly. We therefore use large quantities of recycled wood in our production, and in doing so we give it a second life. Kaindl products can then also be recycled at the end of their useful life.

Eco friendly

90 % of the raw material used to make Kaindl products are renewable and come from the regional timber industry. The grow in Austria's forests at a rate of one cubic metre per second. Sustainable forest management ensures that more wood is being regrown than is removed.

Climate protection

Our products are CO2-neutral. Due to their high wood content they have an unbeatable life cycle assessment and make an active contribution to climate protection. One pallet of Kaindl flooring captures and holds approx. 700 m³ CO2. This corresponds to the emissions caused by a car trip around 7,000 kilometers.


Healthy living

Anyone who buys Kaindl products buys healthy living! Our products meet international standards, they are free from harmful plasticisers and pollutants, and ensure high-indoor air quality. We guarantee this!